Application Quality Assurance (AQA) Contact Center Custom Software and Applications.
Contact Center Integration Suite brings together solutions for Call Center Self-Service, easy Notification, Out of Band Authentication and when coupled with our customized Professional Services we can provide a full function call center. This will allow you to:
- Maximize customer satisfaction
- Realize rapid ROI
- Reduce operating costs and minimize capital expenditures
- Increase cross-sell and Upsell revenue
Contact Center Integration Suite
- The solution uses our OOB Phone Authentication, easyNotification and professional services to configure and implement a custom solution designed for you
- A single point of contact center integration with back-end system via industry open standard such as XML/Https or Web Services
- Easy Integration with IVR VXML Server
- Easy Integration with any contact center solutions to provide CTI screen pop cached data for better performance
- Multi-channel integration trough; Web to Contact Center with Screen Pop integrated with CRM, Customer data, Web to IVR, Mobile, and more
Key Benefits
- Improved Customer Experience – Improves the customer experience with communications integrated to the customer profile
- Enterprise Wide Solution – Supports contact center agents as well as enterprise workers as to improve communication
- Configuration for Needs -Open architecture allows customers to tailor to their specific business requirements and adjust business processes or call flows as your programs change and grow
- Flexible Components – Scalable as your contact center grows with new sites or new programs
- Pain-Free Upgrades – Long-term value from an extensible business solution and a component architecture that is easily upgradable for the addition of new features and channels
- Risk Mitigation – Reduced risk and complexity with certified end-to-end product integrations that assure functional compliance
- Leverage Investments – Utilizes existing communication and applications infrastructure, without the need to upgrade or witch platforms
- Lower Total Cost of Ownership – Minimizes upfront IT and professional services engagement, and includes standard product maintenance and support.